Yuriy and Aleksanrd Ushakovy from Sevastopol, Ukraine, managed to increase five times the number of participants of the traditional Crimean Orienteering competitions thanks to their web-site http://orient-crimea.narod.ru/, which won the first prize among ten sites at the July Anniversary Competitions “Forest Routes-2008” in Crimea.
As web-site administrators, the brothers Ushakovy were awarded the Commemorative Medal, produced by the National Bank of Ukraine in honor of the World Championship on Orienteering held in Kyiv in August 2007. Their site covered the events of the sport and facilitates their successful implementation.
The brothers are active users of IATP services since 2004, and energetic members of the NGO “Crimean Federation of Orienteering.” Having little IT skills, Ushakovy started ICT training courses at IATP, eventually developing their NGO’s website and involving more peers not only from Ukraine, but also from other countries like Russia, Moldova, Belarus, Norway, in this exciting and fast-developing sport. Assisted by IATP center staff, Ushakovy launched the site in February 2005 after completing a web design course. Lacking special knowledge to upgrade their web-site, Ushakovy successfully graduated the DL courses on Photoshop and PHP at IATP site.
The regularly updated and upgraded web-site helps to expand the list of NGO members, but it also serves as an information center for people interested in sport orienteering, where they can find the latest news, see the calendar of events, held by the Federation, and join in competitions. Statistics show that they have around 700 visitors monthly and Yuriy Ushakov communicates with many of them via e-mail, posted at the web-site.
Since their first day at the IATP center, the Ushakovs visited not only IATP-sponsored training courses, but also workshops on fundraising, green tourism, and online events on international sports. Yuriy Ushakov commented, “the main thing we realized from IATP training is how to learn with pleasure at any age.”
In the last year, more than 150 NGO representatives gained ICT skills at IATP-sponsored courses in Ukraine. IATP in Ukraine has hosted over 800 NGO websites, developed and designed mainly by active IATP users with assistance of IATP staff. These web-sites help to increase the number of interested people, to inform communities about certain problems, to attract and involve the community members into NGO’s activities.