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September 14, 2009


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darkfall gold

ICT skills needed to grow roots in their new environments.

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I do a lot of work on Word that I continually revise as things change.
I am encountering a problem that I have never had before. After I
have sent a document to My Documents and I later retrieve it, make a
change or two, I can not return it to My Documents without changing
the title. I get a message that I already have such a file set-up and
must put in a different title. This is a nuisance as the document is
the same with just a slight revision. I want to keep the original
title and not have to continually change to a new title and i do not
wish to have a file for both the original (which I no longer need) and
the new revised document. For years I have been able to do this
without any problem. I feel quite sure that it is because I some how
have changed everything over to "Read Only" but I can not figure out
how to go back to not having that restriction.

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I think a Human Resources skilled person and a technical team would be the best :)

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  • Interim M&E Report
    As part of its monitoring and evaluation efforts, IATP conducted extensive online surveys and in-depth focus group discussions, soliciting responses from users and trainees from across the region. See key findings or download the full report here.

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