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May 19, 2009


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Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!

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This library helps our community a lot

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This is a great article. I’m new to blogging but still learning.I love your blog!

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i like this part of the blog:"CSLC Director Svitlana Kapranova said, “We believe that creating websites and Web portals expands the information offered by our library and creates a positive and modern image. Now that we have our own level of experience, we’re ready to share it with our colleagues. We’re open to collaboration and hope to expand our network of partners and friends.” Since the Sevastopol IATP Center opened in 2002, over 200 librarians from the city and region have benefited from free internet access or training." is very good

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It's good to have places that even though their residents are not living a normative life, they have fine food and a lot of love, and indeed it's sad that people who don't have a relatively basic things like a t.v or computer.

All the best and well done to organizations that come, contribute and help to children and improve their quality of life.

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Looks like the library has been a great success. Keep it going

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Interim M&E Report

  • Interim M&E Report
    As part of its monitoring and evaluation efforts, IATP conducted extensive online surveys and in-depth focus group discussions, soliciting responses from users and trainees from across the region. See key findings or download the full report here.

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