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May 19, 2009


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Acai Optimum

ICT is the bedrock of all communications amongst NGOs and countries... I haven't heard about donations or assistance to those badly in need of ICT and other communication equipment in Africa in a while...

Acai Berry

This is one of the greatest post that I've ever read!!!!

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Its great deal for NGO now it can Communicates More Effectively with ICT.

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I appreciate the Borshevski efforts regarding online resources.

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ICT is with NGO's. I never knew about this.

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Borshevski one of several Moldovan citizens who have developed new technical skills and created locally-focused online resources with IATP’s assistance. Today, the IATP server in Moldova hosts 118 websites. Nine of these were created during the last three months.

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Interim M&E Report

  • Interim M&E Report
    As part of its monitoring and evaluation efforts, IATP conducted extensive online surveys and in-depth focus group discussions, soliciting responses from users and trainees from across the region. See key findings or download the full report here.

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