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April 15, 2008


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While Driving should the use of Mobile Phones be Banned?

A) Yes

B) No

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Which sex has more ego problem?

A) Man

B) Women

C) Both

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OpinionPoll brings together friends and colleagues to share interests, opinions, views and other funny things by putting them into polls, using -simple to use interface of OpinionPoll. You can also create communities to invite common interest people.


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Microfinance Benefit's?

A) Easy Re-payment

B) Lower Interest

C) On Time Money

D) Easy Access to Money

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Polls and results can be shared for comments, exported, stored and updated through a fresh poll. Polls and results can also be used for by publications in print and on television as per the specific user agreement.


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Are steps taken by World Health Organization to make governments aware about SwineFlu enough?

A) Yes

B) No

C) Can not say

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OpinionPoll provides an easy and scalable platform for creating and distributing web and mobile polls for Free. You can share your polls with your friends, colleagues, family and others for free*, using a variety of online channels, including email, instant messaging (IM), RSS, blogs and web sites besides syndication using free plugins and URL, that can be embedded and/or linked in any websites as well as by using mobile phone applications and SMS.


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Microfinance helped the poor in India?

A) Yes Ofcourse

B) No

C) Cannot Say

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Polls and results can be shared for comments, exported, stored and updated through a fresh poll. Polls and results can also be used for by publications in print and on television as per the specific user agreement.


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The main problem faced by women entrepreneur in India is?

A) Male Domination

B) Low risk taking

C) Female-Male Competition

D) Family Problems

E) Financial problems

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Darcy Grubaugh

Knowing how to use accounting software definitely helps a lot in any business. It depends on the version of the software. If it's a starter edition, it's good for small businesses. If it's an enterprise version, it's good for big companies. It's good that there are trainings for such software in those countries.

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